My future project is to have one of the largest multinationals on the planet valued at more than a thousand billion dollars, people will say that"It's unrealistic that I may not realize etc..." and I don't don't say that these people are wrong, I may have not experience but I'm not waiting to have any to start, I have to start to have some, I consider my objective as a distant motivation which will force me to never stop. so to achieve my goals. I created this website because to move forward and i would inevitably need money and also experience. I am not a homeless person who is going to ask you for money out of pity, I am a young boy who is asking you for trust.
My future project is to have one of the largest multinationals on the planet valued at more than a thousand billion dollars, people will say that"It's unrealistic that I may not realize etc..." and I don't don't say that these people are wrong, I may have not experience but I'm not waiting to have any to start, I have to start to have some, I consider my objective as a distant motivation which will force me to never stop. so to achieve my goals. I created this website because to move forward and i would inevitably need money and also experience. I am not a homeless person who is going to ask you for money out of pity, I am a young boy who is asking you for trust.
WHY THIS website ? :
WHY THIS website ? :
So first for ethical reasons i prefer to remain anonymous for the beginning of my career, but don't worry you will know what is necessary, basically, I am a 16 years old boy who lives in Europe my first language is French. I have one fear in life and it is that of dying with regrets, regrets like"I prefer to live a life like everyone else because taking another path is too risky and hard", so to avoid this situation i begin my change of direction here. with this site which is for me the first step in my long adventure.
ok now...
If you have read this far, thank you very much. If I created this site it's not just to talk about me, it's also so that you can help me"how?" Quite simply by trusting me and investing in me. Let me explain. On this site if you searched a little before reading you noticed that I sell certain objects, these objects belong to me and therefore what I do is that I sell you this thing in exchange for your trust already, and also a future investment because we don't know what the future will look like but we can guess it and also anticipate it. So what I'm telling you is that certainly later these objects will have taken on a great value because they will have belonged to me previously. I could just ask you for money with a repayment rate but I decided to innovate and create a new form of investment I already told you but I don't want your pity. I want you believe in me like I believe in you.
I'm going to be 100 percent honest, Is till have no idea how I'm going to achieve my goals, but that's not what's going to stop me from moving forward. I can imagine a certain path but it rarely happens the way we predict it especially as I said above, it is not a simple path it is a path full of doubt and uncertainty. If I wanted not to take risks I would follow studies with a future already mapped out everything but I don't want that. I would like to live freely and die proud, proud to have dared to take risks.
My future projection ? :